
News and information about Schenck

Wherever production technology is used, much attention is paid to the concentricity of precision tools and spindles. In particular in micro-machining, with its tiny tools and high spindle speeds, this aspect is listed very high on the specifications for Quality Assurance. Schenck RoTec has therefore developed its new balancing machine Tooldyneµicro specifically for micro-machining requirements. The compact system, which is easy to operate, is suitable for rotor weights of up to 500 g, and tool diameters of up to 100 mm.

Schenck RoTec is presenting its new Pasio 50SC as the future-oriented standard in horizontal balancing technology. The compact system is designed for processing cylindrical and disc-shaped rotors with rotor weights of up to 50 kg. It convinces as a smart complete solution with high operating comfort and excellent measuring precision and is optimized for easy integration into users' production management systems.

Just in time for the EMO, Schenck RoTec unvails its new Service+ app for users of balancing technology. Machine operators, maintenance personnel and technicians now have a powerful mobile tool with a range of smart features and functions to assist in optimizing the up-time of their balancing systems.


The digital factory is not a vision, but in many areas it is already a reality. The quality-control process step of Balancing is an important, connecting element for securing the quality of these digital production concepts. Many of our products now offer solutions that can be integrated perfectly into the digital factory. Our Service+ App, the new Pasio 50sc with intelligent controls, and our Fingerprint-Analysetool constitute the four columns of our smart strategy.
